About SYSS

             a)  To acquire, establish, start, aid, run, maintain or manage educational institutes, libraries for the benefit of the public.
             b)   To arrange and organize lectures, debates, discussions, seminars & excursions for the diffusion of knowledge.
             c)   To publish or cause to be published useful literature, magazines, etc.
             d)   To study, cultivate and demonstrate the art of music and dancing.
             e)   To promote and encourage advancement of literary, cultural, political, religious & scientific education.
             f)    To help the needy student s of all communities for the prosecution of studies.
             g)   To help the aged, sick, helpless and indigent persons.
             h)   To work for the happiness of the down trodden needy people for their primary needs such as food, cloth, education and shelter etc.
             i)    To import and develop Social awareness among the illiterate women and men by organizing awareness camps from time to time.
             j)    To organize an ambulance for free rendering service to the needy patients.
             k)   To establish and maintain basic and adult education center to remove the illiteracy.
             l)    To open charitable dispensaries, first aid center, blood donation camp from time to time and generate awareness among-st people suffering from Thalasimia, Cancer and HIV Aids disease etc.
             m)  To arrange and organize education on computer both in theoretical and practical classes among the needy students of the society.
             n)   To render relief to the suffering in times of famine, flood, drought, earthquake and other natural calamities.
             o)   To educate the people about pollution and to arrange plantation of trees in the locality to make the world green.
             p)   To arrange and organize old age-home to help the needy people of the society.
             q)   To arrange for medical treatment to the Deaf & Dumb and handicapped persons by rendering qualified doctors, medicines and other allied articles free of cost.
             r)    To help the people in marriage, funeral and cremation of the dead.
             s)    To help to organize self-help group based programme for augmentation of the livelihood opportunities of the people at the grass root level as being beneficial to the public or to a section of public.
             t)    To organize various Sports, Competitions, etc.
             u)   To organize and arrange Protest and Awareness against Social injustice and Social evils.